The problem of Cleft lip and Palate is the number one congenital birth defect in many developing countries. This defect, taken as a routine in developed countries where treatment is accessible, grows every year with 200,000 cleft births. In countries like Pakistan, POVERTY – NOT MEDICINE – IS THE PRIMARY BARRIER TO TREATMENT
HASWA has been providing free reconstructive surgery of lip and cleft palate to deserving children in collaboration with Patel Hospital Karachi and SmileTrain, a New York based organization. With their combined resources,We have provided FREE Surgical correction for more than 1000 Cleft Lip and Palate patients.The market cost would have been more than 5 Crores (50 Million Rupees).
Children, who were mis-treated and left in orphanages because of their deformity, can now face their future with a smile.